The Waste-To-Energy Research and Technology Council 2012 Conference, held at Columbia University in the city of New York, will take place on Thursday, October 18 and Friday, October 19.
The WTERT Council has put together an outstanding program of presentations by the most prominent people at the forefront of sustainable waste management. As in past years, a highlight of the program will be the presentation of the 2012 WTERT Award which this year will be received by the editors of “Waste Management World”, the very informative ISWA magazine that is available gratis to the entire world. The Awards Dinner will be held in the Skyline Dining Room of Columbia’s Faculty House, overlooking Morningside Park and eastern Manhattan. The Dinner is sponsored by the Materials and Energy Recovery Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (MER/ASME). Instructions for on-line or by-mail registration and other information on the WTERT Conference are available at