Tasnuva Moutushi



    • PhD Candidate in the Chemical Engineering Department, The City College of New York
    • B.E. in Chemical and Molecular Engineering, Stony Brook University

Research Interests

    • Waste to Energy Ash/ Waste Management


    • Moutushi, T., Tupsakhare, S., Castaldi, M., (2022), “Abiotic decomposition of municipal solid waste under elevated temperature landfill conditions”., Science of the Total Environment., 823 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153685.
    • Tupsakhare, S., Moutushi, T., Castaldi, M., Barlaz, M., Luettich, S., Benson, C.H.,, “The Impact of Pressure, Moisture and Temperature on Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste under Simulated Landfill Conditions and Relevance to the Field Data from Elevated Temperature Landfill”., Science of the Total Environment., 723 (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138031.
    • Fache, A., Frédéric, M., Castaldi, M., Lugo-Pimentel, M., Nikitin, Y., Moutushi, T., “Fixed-bed reactors for exothermic reactions: a qualitative relation between start-up time and traveling waves velocity”., Chemical Engineering Science, 2020.
    • Moutushi, Tasnuva, Debayon Dutta, and Edison Hua. “Synthesis and Characterization of Binary Alloy Metal Nanoparticles.” Journal of Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Research, Volume 5 (May 2016).

Professional Presentations and Conferences

    • Moutushi, T., Castaldi, M.J., “Investigation of Reactions Occurring in Municipal Solid Waste Residues”, May 31, 2021, WasteEng 8th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Virtual.
    • Moutushi, M. Castaldi, “Investigation of Reactions at the Gas/Solid Interface of Municipal Solid Waste Residues,” November 12, 2019, AIChE 2019, Orlando, Florida
    • Moutushi, M. Castaldi, poster presentation, “Performance Assessment of Ash Metal Recovery Facility at the Roosevelt Regional Landfill”, 2018 EEC/WTERT Bi-Annual Conference, New York City, NY
    • Moutushi, T., Poster presentation, “Performance Assessment of Ash Metal Recovery Facility at the Roosevelt Regional Landfill”, North American Waste to Energy Conference (NAWTEC) 2018, Lancaster, PA.