- PhD: Biomass Technology Lab, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
Thesis title: Conversion of a Saccharification Process from Batch to Continuous - ME: Combustion & Catalysis Laboratory, The City College of New York, New York, USA. Thesis title: A New Thin Layered Structural Coating on a Metal Substrate for Enhanced Hydrogen Production from Steam Methane Reforming.
- BE: Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York, New York, USA.
Peer-reviewed articles:
- M. Lugo-Pimentel, E. Leblanc, S. Kelley, J. Lavoie, Aspect elucidation of a physicochemical pretreatment for continuous decrystallization, 2023.
- A. Fache, F. Marias, M. J. Castaldi, M. Lugo-Pimentel, Y. Nikitin, T. Moutoushi, Fixed-bed reactors for exothermic reactions: A qualitative relation between start-up time and traveling waves velocity, 2021.
- M. Lugo, S. S. Ail, M. J. Castaldi, Approaching a zero-waste strategy by reuse in New York City: Challenges and potential, 2020.
- M. M. Webster, M. Lugo-Pimentel, I. Kretzschmar, M. J. Castaldi, Kinetics of Formation of Quantum Dot Solvent N-Oleoylmorpholine, 2020.
- M. Lugo-Pimentel, I. Z. Boboescu, J. Beigbeder, X. Duret, F. J. Wolfaardt, T. Ghislain, J. Lavoie, Biorefinery done right, International Journal of Energy Production and Management, 2020.
- D. Hariharan, R. Yang, Y. Zhou, B. Gainey, S. Mamalis, R. E. Smith, M. A. Lugo-Pimentel, M. J. Castaldi, R. Gill, A. Davis, D. Modroukas, B. Lawler, Catalytic partial oxidation of diesel, gasoline, and natural gas for use in low temperature combustion engines, Fuel, 2019.
- F. Minette, M. Lugo-Pimentel, D. Modroukas, A. W. Davis, R. Gill, M. J. Castaldi, J. De Wilde. Intrinsic kinetics of steam methane reforming on a thin, nanostructure and adherent Ni coating, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018.
Selected conference presentations:
- M. Lugo-Pimentel, X. Duret, B. Rego de Vasconcelos, T. Ghislain, J. Lavoie, Utilization of Residual Lignocellulosic Residues and CO2 in Canada: The Beginning of a Whole New Era of Opportunity, EEC/WTERT Conference, 2018.
Lugo-Pimentel’s work in CCL can be broadly categorized into:
- Characterization and valorization of waste and biomass